HomePortfolioUpdating Estimates of Probable Earthquake Loss in Istanbul

Updating Estimates of Probable Earthquake Loss in Istanbul

Project: Updating Estimates of Probable Earthquake Loss in Istanbul
Project Duration2007 – 2009
Project Scale: 0.005 degree (approximately 420 m x 550 m) analysis grids
Project Extent: Administrative Boundary of Province of Istanbul
Project Participants: IMM – Directorate of Earthquake and Ground Analysis, OIC (Oyo International Corporation), GRM, Bogazici University – Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute
Scope of Project: Casualty, building and infrastructure damage, and economic loss estimation analyses were conducted based on updated building and infrastructure inventory as well as updated models of ground conditions and earthquake ground motion in Istanbul. Estimates are primarily used to provide more accurate and up-to-date information in the selection of locations in need of urban disaster management, structural reinforcement, and urban transformation.