HomeVision & Mission


GRM aims to take a significant role in the development and implementationof systems that provide effective and ongoing management of disaster risk in Turkey and around the world. Working in cooperation with international partners and universities, disaster-related damages over extents of projects will be reduced to a minimum.


GRM provides consulting services to reduce damage caused by natural and preventable disasters through the development of software required to detect and mitigate risk. This custom software is integrated with a client’s current operational processes. Additional services include the production of data used as input to the developed software and standalone data production and analysis.
A typical project framework includes:
  1. Risk definition
  2. Risk evaluation and/or prediction
  3. Specification and develop ment of risk mitigation tools
  4. Monitoring/observation of results of developed risk mitigation tools
  5. Reevaluation

Institutions and organizations are to be associated with risk management processes’ operational processes mentioned above by general titles in order to reduce the damages result from risks.

As you all know Turkey is an earthquake country(North Anatolia – NAF – and East Anatolia – EAF – Fault lines) and we all have to learn how to live with this fact. Additionally, Turkey’s various regions are affected by different characteristic (such as Landslide, Liquefaction, Flooding) natural disaster risks.

The process of detection and evaluation of natural disaster risks such as Earthquake, Flooding within this duration is a expertise requiring field. There is no private corporation in Turkey sector that provides consultancy service for detection of such types of natural risk regions and the effects of these risks. In order to fulfill the need only several universities’ related units and departments make studies academically with limited facilities.

GRM take it as a duty to develop software aiming at the detection of natural disaster risks by currently carried out projects and to provide software and data analysis services that will enable the integration of these software to corporation and institution’s current operational process. In development of such software and performing data analyses, GIS (Geographical Information Systems) Technology is effectively applied.